Character Enrichment/Personal Development for Athletes
In partnering with the Warren Easton High School Football Program, this program affords the student-athletes to be a part of the Blessed 26 Character Enrichment and Personal Development program for their athletes. Through this program, the young men have access to the Blessed 26 network of mentors they can call on for support and advice. We also provide instruction on how to convert the energy they use in the athletic arena to being better students, gentlemen and productive citizens. This program has been a partner with Warren Easton since 2014. Featured guest presenters have included former New Orleans Saints Dome Patrol linebacker Vaughan Johnson, Roman Harper, champion boxer Regis Prograis and Saints Director of Scouting Terry Fontenot.
The Board Room
The aim of the Blessed 26 Board Room program is to teach youth how to survive in a post-Katrina New Orleans, and how to become prosperous in the new-New Orleans while becoming the best individuals they can be.
Through mentors, participants will learn about the importance of setting goals, education, image, career choices, business opportunities, networking, and government. Also, youth will learn how to analyze and manage real-life situations by dissecting local news coverage and other forms of popular media. Participants will also learn how to improve the communities they reside in.
Suited for Success
Board Room students who have excelled and overwhelmingly demonstrate their determination to be successful despite their circumstances will be invited to a private wardrobe consultation with local clothier
Southern Style International LLC.
Blessed 26 mentors, who work in corporate America and know the importance literally of "being suited for success," will accompany students during the clothing selection process.